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Top 6 Jamaican Breakfast Items

They say having a good breakfast is the start to having a good day. Here in Jamaica we believe in that statement wholeheartedly. There’s even the unofficial accepted custom of stopping to buy breakfast even when you’re late for work, I mean “yuh done late already nuh mek sense yuh hungry too”. Below are the top 6 Jamaican breakfast menu items we’ve curated for you, make sure to read to the end as we’ve added a bonus just for you. 

Mackerel Rundown

This tasty traditional Jamaican breakfast is made from flaked salt mackerel cooked down with sautéed seasonings (onions, tomatoes and sweet peppers) and creamy coconut milk. This dish goes well with boiled ground provisions (yam, irish potato, sweet potato, green banana) and boiled dumplings. 

Ackee & Saltfish

The national dish of Jamaica. This mouthwatering dish is a very popular choice among Jamaicans for breakfasts. It can be served with a variety of options such as; boiled ground provisions, breadfruit, whether fried or roasted. It also goes well with boiled dumplings or our personal favourite, fried dumplings. A fried plantain or 2 on the side will only enhance the flavour of this national dish. For more on this popular dish, check out our previous post here.

Ackee and salfish dish

Another delicious traditional Jamaican breakfast item, that is sometimes steamed by itself or cooked with saltfish (codfish). Either way we recommend this meal 10/10. Callaloo is best served with boiled ground provisions and boiled dumplings. It can also be served with fried dumplings (johnny cakes). 

Saltfish Fritters 

Saltfish fritters or Stamp-and-Go is a popular Jamaican dish not just for breakfast. It is believed the name Stamp & Go came about because of the practice of people to “stamp” their feet as to say “I’m in a hurry and need mine to go”. Made from saltfish or dried codfish batter. It can be eaten as an appetizer.

Saltfish fritters
A plate of Saltfish Fritters

If you’re looking for a healthy breakfast item then a nice hot bowl of porridge is just right for you. It is made from boiling starchy plants or grain, in milk or water. This simple and nutritious dish comes in many different types, such as; cornmeal porridge, oats porridge, peanut porridge, hominy corn porridge and plantain porridge to name a few. No matter the type, porridge goes best with a pack of “tough crackers.”

Stew Chicken

This delicious Jamaican meal can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner all in the same day and it would be three unique dishes. Sometimes referred to as brown-stew chicken, this tasty meal can be enjoyed with boiled ground provisions and boiled dumplings. It can also be served with fried dumplings (johnny cakes) for breakfast. 

Jamaican Patty 

We added an extra bonus Jamaican breakfast item just for you, Patty! This tasty pastry is best served hot and is baked with various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, filled with meat. With many options to choose from today such as; cheese, beef, shrimp, callaloo and even soy. This is best served with cocoa bread. 

A bag of hot cheese patties

All these items can be served with a hot beverage or a glass of juice, preferably orange juice. 

What’s your favourite Jamaican breakfast item? Tell us in the comments below. 

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2 thoughts on “Top 6 Jamaican Breakfast Items”

  1. Definitely agree! But what about Foska oatmeal!? Hot or cold for us humble people lol. Stamp & Go … boi we have some hilarious names for food 🤣

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