Jamaican Easter Traditions

Easter is usually a time of reflection especially for religious Jamaicans, for others it’s a time to enjoy the holidays. Easter is a public holiday in Jamaica (Good Friday & Easter Monday). Here are five (5) Jamaican Easter Traditions.

Bun & Cheese

Bun and cheese is the national dish at Easter. I dare you to name a better duo. Did you know the Jamaican Easter tradition of eating bun and cheese comes from the Hot Cross bun from Britain? These buns were traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross symbolizing the crucifixion of Jesus.

Hot Cross Bun from Britain.


Carnival in Jamaica is usually the Sunday after Easter Sunday but there is a build up of events starting from after Ash Wednesday. The streets are filled with revelers drinking and dancing to soca music.

Escovitch Fish

Another Jamaican national around Easter is “escovitch fish”, usually prepared on Holy Thursday to limit time spent in the kitchen on Good Friday. This is also stemmed from the superstition that no fire is to be lit before 12 noon on Good Friday.

Escovitch fish


For Christians in Jamaica, Easter signifies the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and going to church to during this period is a very important Easter tradition for Jamaicans.

Kite Flying

With Easter comes cooler breezes, sunshine, and lots of kites in the skies. There is even a ‘Jamaica International Kite Festival‘

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